Click on report. Below screen will be get opened. It shows the standard type of report that include Pending,On-Hold,In-progress,Complete, etc. In Pending report you get all the pending records. In On-...
Survey – Applicant Survey History
You can see the the pending history feedback details/history details. You can also see in progress feedback/history,completed feedback/history, on hold feedback by clicking on the respective tabs. In ...
Survey – Employee Survey History
You can see the the pending history feedback details/history details. You can also see in progress feedback/history,completed feedback/history, on hold feedback by clicking on the respective tabs. In ...
Survey – Template
Click on Create Template button to create a template. Enter template name.Select the training list from the list. You can also assign as per your requirement (i.e) immediately,manually or after traini...
Survey – Question
Click on New Button to create a new task/question fill the required details. Enter question. Select data type and data type value. Enter description. Click on Save button to create a question or tasks...